Sunday, September 7, 2014

Possible Spoilers On The WWE World Heavyweight Title Match At Night Of Champions

One likely scenario for the WWE World Heavyweight Title at Night of Champions is for Brock Lesnar to defeat John Cena with the help of outside interference, leading Cena to feud with that person and Lesnar to feud with other babyfaces until his WrestleMania 31 match with Roman Reigns.

The other option is to have Cena defeat Lesnar, Roman Reigns defeat Seth Rollins and then have Rollins cash in on Cena and become the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Um cenário provável para o WWE World Heavyweight Title no Night of Champions é que Brock Lesnar derrote John Cena com ajuda de uma interferência, levando Cena a fazer feud com essa pessoa e Lesnar fazer feud com outros babyfaces até o seu combate na WrestleMania 31 com Roman Reigns.

A outra opção é Cena derrotar Lesnar, Roman Reigns derrotar Seth Rollins e depois ter o Rollins a fazer cash in no Cena e tornar-se o novo WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

1 comment:

  1. Lesnar beat Cena by himself. Outside interference would make him look weak. Also, if Cena beats Lesnar, then WWE will anger the entirety of its fan base and ruin what WWE have been trying to do: Make Lesnar an unstoppable monster heel. Lesnar needs to beat Cena cleanly again, or Night of Champions is gonna be shit.
