Thursday, August 14, 2014

Rey Mysterio Rumor Killer

F4WOnline reports that Rey Mysterio will not be appearing at this Sunday's AAA TripleMania event in Mexico City. It was rumored that Mysterio would be joining Alberto Del Rio at the show. Del Rio confirmed his appearance at the show, however Mysterio is still under contract with WWE and WWE was never asked about him appearing, nor would they allow it.


F4WOnline reporta que Rey Mysterio não vai aparecer no evento AAA TripleManía de Domingo em Mexico City. Houve rumores que Mysterio se ia juntar a Alberto Del Rio no espetáculo. Del Rio confirmou a sua aparição no show , no entanto Mysterio continua sobre contrato com a WWE e a nunca perguntaram á WWE sobre ele aparecer, nem lhe permitiria 


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